Where Kids Act Up
Intermediate Drama Full tuition $115; $25 Tuition Rebate available in exchange for parent volunteer hours*. For more information, contact MTC at

Wednesdays, September 24 - December 10, 6:30 - 7:45 PM

*Parents interested in a tuition rebate are expected

  • to volunteer at least five hours between now and the end of the MTC semester and sell one ad for the playbill; or
  • sell 2 ads for the playbill.

Volunteer work could include assisting with costume design and construction, prop design and construction, office work, backstage supervision during performances, ticket sales, ad sales, and/or playbill design. Do you have a special talent/skill that may benefit MTC? If so, talk to the VISTA volunteer about using that skill for your volunteer hours.

369 High St. | Morgantown, WV 26505 | 304-291-MTC6(6826)
Site content ©MTC, 2004; Photos ©Sue Amos, Infinite Lens Photography