Fun with Drama is an introduction to the craft of acting with hands-on experience in creative dramatics for children in Kindergarten to 2nd Grade. Students will be taught theatre basics through exciting and silly acting techniques. This class is a great way for children receive a foundation in the process of acting. At the end of the course, there will be a showcase of what we learned over the 8 weeks. We are thrilled to get started on another amazing semester!


WHEN: Thursdays from 5:00-6:00pm for Kindergarten-2nd grade.

March 27th and run through May 22th.

Class fee is $125.

 *We can only accept 15 students. Registration will be closed once we have hit 15 students.*


369 High Street, Morgantown WV, 26505. We are next door to the MET Theatre, and we share a door with the Metropolitan Billiard Hall. Just go down the steps and we are the door on the left.

Register Here Now!